Feelings are not Facts

Feelings are the product of emotions. Although we are emotional beings by nature, feelings do not necessarily reflect the facts of what is happening. Whether we wake up sad or we’re actually going through a problem, we cannot allow feelings to rule us. We can be proactive and decide how we are going to feel about whatever is going on.

This is not easy, however our will power (our core hardiness) is actually stronger than our feelings (emotions in the moment so to speak). If we don’t try to override our feelings, then our feelings will determine our mood and how we will interact with others, as well as how we will receive new things. It has been found that feelings tend to follow thoughts. So if we get our thoughts in the right place, the nature of the brain is to recalibrate our feelings to be in alignment with our thoughts.

Therefore try telling yourself, “I may feel a certain way but that doesn’t mean I have to act the way that I feel”. Start practicing how to regulate your emotions a little at a time. The consistency of emotional self regulation will not happen over night. Just focus on the ability to change the perception of one situation at a time, one moment at a time. This will help to stay calmer, more balanced and as a result reduce the effects of stress. As well as make better choices and decisions.

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